Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek is the new MCA president. The former party deputy president polled 901 votes. His nearest challenger was Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, who received 833 votes while incumbent party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat garnered 578 votes. In the straight fight for the deputy presidency, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai won against Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha. Liow received 1,171 votes to Kong’s 1,106 votes. The four new vice-presidents are Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen (1,528 votes), Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai (1,469), Datuk Chor Chee Heung (1,202) and Gan Ping Sieu (1,202).
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Don’t jump the gun in Hulu Selangor, says EC
SHAH ALAM: Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof has warned political parties not to put up posters, flags or make political speeches until the nomination and polling dates are announced for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat.
“A date for the by-election campaign will be officially be made known and the do’s and dont’s would also be made public on Friday (April 2).
“We want all political parties involved to adhere to the regulations as to avoid problems cropping up in the by-election,” he said.
Earlier Aziz, who officiated at the Ikhtisas Federation and Selangor Bumiputra Entrepreneurs 24th annual general meeting at Kelab Shah Alam, added it was up to the local authorities and the police to take action against those who jumped the gun by putting up banners or by giving political speeches.
The Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat fell vacant following the death of PKR MP Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad on Thursday night. The seat had been MIC’s stronghold until its deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel lost by a slim 198-vote majority in 2008.
This will be the 10th by-election since the March 2008 general election.
NGOs, MIC want to know why Hindu Endowment Board chairman changed
GEORGE TOWN: Several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and state MIC representatives are demanding to know why there was a sudden change in the Hindu Endowment Board’s chairmanship.
Penang MIC political bureau vice-chairman N. Ahilan said it was reported that former board chairman A. Tanasekharan, who had served as chairman for the last two years, was removed and would now serve as vice-chairman.
Deputy Chief Minister (II) Dr P. Ramasamy will take over as the board’s chairman effective April 1.
“The local Indian community, especially the NGOs, demand to know why there was a sudden change and also the reason surrounding the need for the change.
“There are a lot of talks and rumours going around within the community and it is only fair that the Indian community here is told certain things such as who made the decision to change the chairman.
“The present state government emphasises transparency but why was the information kept from the public, especially the Indian community?” he said just before members of several NGOs staged a peaceful protest in Bandar Baru Air Itam on Sunday.
Ahilan was commenting on a recent call made for religious-based NGOs to be given the main task of running the board.
Former Arulmigu Balathandayuthapani Waterfall Hilltop Temple committee member M. Gunasegaran, who is also Jalan Udini MIC chairman, said under the previous administration, there was only one politician sitting on the board but now there were five.
“Previously when Barisan Nasional was ruling the state, they questioned why there was a politician sitting on the board but now that they are in power, there are five of them.
“It appears the current state government has converted the board into a political institution,” he said.
Bukit Gelugor Indian Welfare Association chairman K.S. Madhu said the Indian community was not happy with Dr Ramasamy’s appointment as the community needed someone who could devote more time to manage the board’s affairs.
“He is already holding too many positions. Can he devote more time to manage the affairs of the board?
“They should open it up to allow NGOs to run the board as they will have more time to focus on the board’s affairs,” he said.
Dr Ramasamy had said that the call to have NGOs run the board had come up in the past but the board does not need specialised religious bodies to run it as long as it is managed rationally and objectively.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
BN yakin mampu rampas semula parlimen Hulu S'gor
Abdul Rahim Sabri
Mac 27, 10
BN yakin mempunyai peluang untuk merampas semula kerusi parlimen Hulu Selangor dalam pilihan raya kecil yang akan diadakan ekoran kematian penyandangnya dari PKR semalam.
Pengerusi BN, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata ini kerana Pakatan Rakyat memenangi kerusi tersebut dalam pilihan umum lalu dengan majoriti tipis.
Di samping itu, katanya, kecuali kerusi parlimen tersebut, kesemua tiga DUN dalam kawasan pilihan raya tersebut dimenangi oleh BN.
Ketiga-tiga DUN tersebut ialah Kuala Kubu Bharu (MCA), Batang Kali (Umno) dan Hulu Bernam (Umno).
"Kita percaya suasana dan senario telah berubah, BN ada peluang untuk menang kali ini," kata Najib selepas mempengerusi mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno malam tadi.
"Bagaimanapun, kita mesti memberi tumpuan dan menunjukkan kesungguhan untuk kita bekerja keras untuk mencapai kejayaan," tambah perdana menteri.
Dalam pilihan raya umum 2008, calon BN, Datuk G Palanivel tewas kepada kepada calon PKR, Datuk Zainal Abidin Ahmad yang meninggal dunia semalam akibat barah otak.
Berikutan itu, Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) akan memanggil pilihan raya kecil bagi kawasan tersebut dalam tempoh 60 hari. SPR pula akan bermesyuarat Jumaat depan untuk memutuskan tarikhnya.
Walaupun ia merupakan kerusi majoriti Melayu, tetapi ianya diperuntukkan kepada MIC. Palanivel menang pada 1999 dan 2004, tetapi tewas kepada Zainal Abidin pada 2008.
Zainal Abidin mendapat 23,177 undi untuk menang tipis dengan 198 undi. Palanivel pula mendapat 22,979 undi.
Menurut Najib yang juga presiden Umno, jentera pilihan raya akan digerakan di bawah timbalan presiden Umno, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin sebagai ketua keseluruhannya.
Manakala Datuk Noh Omar dilantik sebagai pengarah pilihan raya kecil tersebut dan ketua Umno bahagian berkenaan, Datuk Mohamed Idris Bakar sebagai timbalannya.
Ditanya mengenai MIC yang mahu terus meletakkan calonnya di situ, Najib berkata, perkara itu akan dibincangkan dengan Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu terlebih dahulu.
Semalam, Samy Vellu berkata MIC akan mencadangkan Palanivel yang juga timbalan presiden parti itu sebagai calon BN dalam pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Hulu Selangor.
Ditanya mengenai gesaan akar umbi yang mahukan Umno meletakkan calonnya di situ, Najib menjawab: "Nanti dulu... janganlah... sabar."
Ini merupakan pilihan raya kecil kesepuluh selepas pilihan raya umum 2008 dengan Pakatan memenangi tujuh daripadanya dan BN pula menang dua kerusi.
Sementara itu, perdana menteri berkata, mesyuarat MT malam tadi juga turut menyentuhkan tentang langkah kerajaan Kelantan melantik ahli parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah sebagai perunding mewakili kerajaan negeri dalam isu tuntutan royalti minyak.
Najib berkata itulah adalah keputusan kerajaan negeri Kelantan untuk melantik Tengku Razaleigh.
"Wang ehsan atau sumbangan kita buat mengikut perlembagaan. Apapun ia adalah untuk kebaikan rakyat Kelantan," katanya.
Semalam, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perancangan Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Kebajikan negeri, Datuk Husam Musa dilaporkan berkata, mesyuarat mingguan exco negeri itu membuat ketetapan tersebut dan surat pelantikan akan dihantar segera.
Husam berpendapat, pelantikan tersebut adalah satu penghormatan buat Tengku Razaleigh berdasarkan kedudukannya sebagai bekas Pengerusi Petronas dan menjadi orang yang merangka Akta Petroleum 1974.
Selain itu, kata perdana menteri, mesyuarat MT malam tadi juga turut membincangkan tentang ekonomi dan juga langkah pemulihan ekonomi yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan.
Katanya, mesyuarat itu juga mendengar pandangan ahli MT mengenai model ekonomi baru yang akan dibentangkan oleh kerajaan, agar ia mencapai objektifnya, untuk mentransformasi ekonomi menjadi sebuah negara maju dan meningkatkan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi.
Sementara itu Najib mengesahkan bahawa Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman kini semakin pulih selepas menjalani pembedahan pintasan jantung minggu lepas dan akan menyambung tugasnya seperti biasa apabila pulih kelak.
Mesyuarat tersebut turut mengadakan upacara mengangkat sumpah anggota T yang baru, Datuk Hamidah Osman yang mewakili pergerakan Wanita Umno.
Najib berkata pelantikan ketua penerangan Wanita yang juga ahli exco kanan kerajaan Perak itu adalah berdasarkan perlembagaan parti yang baru.
Friday, March 26, 2010

Love those who Love u…………………..
The frist duty of Love is to Listen………………………….
whatEver is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil……………………….…………
Palanivel - MIC candidate for Hulu Selangor
Palanivel - MIC candidate for Hulu Selangor | |
Date: 26-03-2010 | |
It was confirmed by the Party's President Dato Seri S.Samyvelu. Dato Palanivel was the MP from 1990 until he was defeated in March 2008 general election in thin margin |
Thursday, March 25, 2010
New revelation at Bujang Valley
SUNGAI PETANI: The significance of the recently unearthed prehistoric buildings in Sungai Batu in Bujang Valley has been boosted by findings of ancient writings, which proved that a civilisation existed here from as early as the first century.
Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said Sanskrit Pallava inscriptions found on bricks indicated that the civilisation and buildings in Sungai Batu pre-dated other prominent ancient monuments like the Borobudur and Angkor Wat, which were built in the 8th and 12th centuries respectively.
“The Sungai Batu excavation site comprises an area for religious ceremonies, a jetty and a smelting factory, which had been in existence before other ancient monuments in South-East Asia came up, making this of greater historical importance to both the country and the world.
“There are indications that the site was not only used for religious purposes but also for commercial activities like iron smelting. The jetty, used for transportation, also warrants further research,” he added.
Dr Rais said all authorities should embark on a more concerted app-roach to conserving and carrying out in-depth studies on the site in light of the findings, and the tremendous research and tourism potential these offered.
He said Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Centre of Global Archaelogical Research, which was conducting the excavation with the National Heri-tage Department and other local and foreign experts, would be consulted on plans to develop the area.
A government committee would also be formed to come up with the plans, he told reporters after visiting the excavation sites in Sungai Batu I and Sungai Batu II covering three sq km in an oil palm plantation in Jalan Lencongan Merbok.
Plantation owner Teoh Guang Huat, 79, was present to greet the minister.
Dr Rais said he would also bring up the matter of further funding with the Prime Minister.
Excavation work began on Feb 1 last year with an approved grant of RM2.3mil by the ministry. The site has yet to be gazetted as the Bujang Valley Heritage Park.
The Bujang Valley consists of almost 300sq km of land from Gunung Jerai to Sungai Muda.
Captain James Low first identified the Bujang Valley civilisation after discovering more than 20 temples in Kampung Bujang in 1840.
Research and excavation activities found that Bujang Valley was the main port in South-East Asia from the 5th century to the 13th century A.D.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
TM launches high speed broadband
KUALA LUMPUR: Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) launched its “UniFi” next-generation High Speed Broadband (HSBB) service at Dataran Merdeka here on Wednesday, but did not release pricing details for the new packages.
UniFi promises a world of faster, richer and more reliable online experience, the company said in a statement, adding that pricing details would be disclosed on Thursday.
“Now that UniFi ... has arrived, we anticipate it will be a digital lifestyle changer as well as an enabler for the vast majority of our subscribers,” said TM chairman Datuk Dr Halim Shafie.
TM’s UniFi high speed broadband packages comprise triple-play services of high speed Internet, video (IPTV) and phone, at speeds of 5Mbps, 10Mbps and 20Mbps.
The IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) service, which makes up part of the value-add bundled service, will be delivered via an 8Mbps connection exclusively and in addition to the data speeds subscribed by customers.
With IPTV, customers can enjoy 22 linear channels, Video-On-Demand and interactive services such as games, tourism information and more, TM said.
The initial areas covered by TM’s UniFi are the four exchange areas of Shah Alam, Subang Jaya, Taman Tun Dr Ismail and Bangsar.
In addition to these, UniFi will be expanded to another 22 exchange areas by June and a further 22 by December.
That means, by year-end 2010, TM’s UniFi will cover 48 exchange areas with a total of 750,000 premises passed. This would include key areas such as Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and Iskandar Malaysia, the company said.
TM said it has already completed 311,000 premises passed, surpassing the target of 300,000 premises passed by the end of March. (“Premises passed” refers to the number of premises that are connected by UniFi and have the ready option to take up the service if they wanted to.)
The launch ceremony on Wednesday was attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin and others.
HSBB is a flagship project of the National Broadband Initiative that aims to boost the country’s competitiveness. The RM11.3bil national HSBB project is a joint effort between TM and the Government to develop next generation high speed broadband infrastructure and services for the nation.
TM is putting up RM8.9bil while the Government is co-investing RM2.4bil on an incurred claims basis based on project milestones reached by TMRooney buat MU, England gelisah
Rooney buat MU, England gelisah
Posted on the March 24th, 2010 under Berita, Luar Negara by johnjimat
LONDON: Penyerang prolifik, Wayne Rooney mencetus gelisah peminat England, semalam selepas perkhabaran mengenai kecederaan lutut kembali mengganggu ketika cabaran Piala Dunia bagi anak didik Fabio Capello berbaki hanya dua bulan lagi.
Perkembangan terbaru itu turut menimbulkan keraguan sama ada penyerang Manchester United ini dapat beraksi menentang Bolton, Sabtu ini ketika juara bertahan itu amat memerlukan sentuhan berbisanya untuk mempertahankan mahkota kejuaraan Liga Perdana Inggeris (EPL). Petanda itu dilihat apabila dia berjalan terhincut-hincut selepas membantu Red Devils menewaskan Liverpool 2-1 di Old Trafford, Ahad lalu.
LONDON: Penyerang prolifik, Wayne Rooney mencetus gelisah peminat England, semalam selepas perkhabaran mengenai kecederaan lutut kembali mengganggu ketika cabaran Piala Dunia bagi anak didik Fabio Capello berbaki hanya dua bulan lagi.
Perkembangan terbaru itu turut menimbulkan keraguan sama ada penyerang Manchester United ini dapat beraksi menentang Bolton, Sabtu ini ketika juara bertahan itu amat memerlukan sentuhan berbisanya untuk mempertahankan mahkota kejuaraan Liga Perdana Inggeris (EPL). Petanda itu dilihat apabila dia berjalan terhincut-hincut selepas membantu Red Devils menewaskan Liverpool 2-1 di Old Trafford, Ahad lalu.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Parliament: School Improvement Programme to start by end-March
KUALA LUMPUR: The Education Ministry will introduce the School Improvement Programme (SIP) by end-March to help raise performance of schools to achieve High Performance Schools (SBT) status.
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the programme was necessary to give schools a chance, immaterial of whether they were from towns or rural areas, to gain SBT recognition.
“Through the new system, every school will be gauged and the ministry’s officers will work with the schools to take the necessary steps to rectify specific weaknesses found in their schools,” he told the Dewan Rakyat Tuesday when answering a question by Datuk Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong).
Muhyiddin who is also the Education Minister said the SIP includes a School Improvement Toolkit (SIT) to analyse the strength and weakness of a school based on administration, teachers, students, parents and infrastructure.
“From the analysis, each school will draft its SIP and submit it to the ministry so that a best-suited plan can be devised to help that school,” he said.
Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said the selection for the SIP would be done in stages since the schools involved would have to go through a specific process to ensure whether they qualify or not.
“We are not going to simply offer assistance because for a school to be listed as an SBT, it must meet certain criteria. Right now the focus will be on the 20 SBTs identified.
“Furthermore, the issue of finance is also an area to be considered because these schools will need financial assistance to maintain their status,” he said.
Noraini had wanted to know why the ministry was carrying out the SBT exercise in stages rather than selecting 100 schools at one go.
To an additional question by Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur), Muhyiddin said the Government would also focus on technical and vocational education to cater for such demand.
He added that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would soon announce the names of recipients for the National Scholarship, who were selected based on merit without any racial bias. -- Bernama
Monday, March 22, 2010
Downpour causes flash floods
Downpour causes flash floods
PETALING JAYA: A late evening downpour here yesterday seemed to answer the prayers of many who could not take the scorching heat of the day but for some it did not come without woes.
The downpour in several areas caused flash floods and brought traffic to a standstill.
The 30-minute rain, which started at 5pm, caused flash floods in areas like Mutiara Damansara and Kota Damansara.
By 6pm, vehicles heading towards the shopping malls in the area were stuck in a jam that lasted for almost an hour as the water level rose steadily. A few stalled cars were seen by the roadside.
Petaling Jaya Municipal Council public relations officer Zainun Zakariah said the situation was brought under control by 7pm once the rain had stopped.
“The floodwater started receding by 7.30pm and the traffic flow went back to normal as we have deployed our staff to observe the area after our complaints department received calls from the public,” she said.
MIC ready to submit 10MP proposals
MIC ready to submit 10MP proposals
KUALA LUMPUR: The MIC has finalised its recommendations for the inclusion and participation of the Indian community in the 10th Malaysia Plan.
Party president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the recommendations, drafted with the cooperation of 75 Indian-based non-governmental organisations and Universiti Malaya’s Ethnic Studies Department, would be submitted to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Mohd Nor Yakcop in Putrajaya on Friday.
“The recommendations include an emphasis on setting up pre-school classes and upgrading standards and infrastructure in Tamil schools.
“We also seek special initiatives for Indians in education, economy, training, housing, employment and women’s affairs,” Samy Vellu told reporters after chairing the party’s Central Working Committee meeting here Monday.
He said the Government had recently approved a RM160mil allocation for the refurbishment of Tamil schools but more funds were needed to upgrade another 200 Tamil schools.
MIC Not Against BN Proposal To Allow Direct Membership –Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu

KUALA LUMPUR: The MIC is not against the Barisan Nasional (BN) proposal to allow membership for friendly individuals, political parties and non-governmental organisations. Rather, party president Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu said, the party would assist and support Prime Minister and BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to strengthen the coalition. "The proposal to have direct membership will be discussed thoroughly by all component parties, in the spirit of mutual understanding and brotherhood," he said on Tuesday. He was asked to comment on a news report today, quoting political observers as saying the MIC would resist the proposal as the party would lose its 'monopoly' at the BN supreme council when Indian issues were involved -- in the event other Indian-based political parties were allowed in. Last Friday, Najib announced that the BN would amend its constitution to admit BN-friendly individuals, political parties and non-governmental organisations. Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu said the question of rejecting the proposal "never existed" and the party would continue to support any proposal to strengthen the BN. "The prime minister wants to bring in people who support the BN. He is trying to rebuild the BN and we (MIC) will give our support," he said, adding that the party had also undertaken several efforts to rebuild and strengthen the BN. Samy Vellu said the MIC would discuss the proposal "behind close doors" and would participate actively in the discussion "when the time comes". "The MIC's official stand with regards to the direct membership proposal is that we did not reject it at any point of time. I want this to be clearly understood by all quarters," he added.
| |
Source | : MIC HQ |
Date | : 23 February 2010, 04:34 PM |
Jabatan Peguam Negara menyerahkan kepada polis untuk menjalankan siasatan
Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, berkata pihaknya perlu menunggu hasil siasatan polis berhubung dakwaan itu dan hanya akan mengambil tindakan susulan selepas kertas siasatan diserahkan kepadanya.
“Kami perlu menunggu polis menjalankan siasatan terlebih dulu dan apabila hasil siasatan diserahkan, kami akan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. “Saya berharap kes ini dapat ditangani dengan baik kerana ia membabitkan kepentingan awam,” katanya ketika dihubungi, di sini, semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, kelmarin, yang menyerahkan kepada Peguam Negara untuk menyiasat kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Bayan Baru, Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim berhubung perkara itu.
Semalam, akhbar ini melaporkan, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, berkata Bukit Aman akan menyiasat pembabitan Anwar yang didakwa menggunakan nama Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) untuk mengambil alih kerajaan pada 16 September 2008.
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workplace's environment may sometimes becomes "unhealthy" when harassment occurs. However, what can be considered harassment i...